Diablo 3 causing pc to crash
Diablo 3 causing pc to crash

diablo 3 causing pc to crash

  • Square gems should now only drop in Hell difficulty, which is also where the required items to combine them drop.
  • Equipping a quiver with a two-handed bow will no longer cause Quick Compare to incorrectly reflect a loss in damage.
  • (This fix will also retroactively correct inflated core stat bonuses on heroes affected by this bug prior to our hotfix going live.)

    diablo 3 causing pc to crash

    The following four item sets will no longer repeatedly and permanently add core stat bonuses each time the player logs out of the game: Blackthorne's Armor, Endless Path, Zunimassa's Whispers, Guardian's Contingency.Followers can no longer permanently lose all items after migrating from one game host to another.Hardcore characters in the process of taking fatal damage while exiting the Scorched Chapel will no longer be permanently killed.Enabling Elective Mode no longer causes "New Slot" notification stars to appear for the original slot as opposed to the slot the skill is assigned to.Removed unnecessary "Clear Skill" option that could appear on the Passive Skill screen and would crash the game when selected.Fixed crash when casting Hex with the Painful Transformation rune on a Fetish Shaman in Acts III and IV.Fixed multiple crashes that could occur as a result of memory corruption.Fixed a crash that could occur after connection failures caused by NAT/Firewall settings.Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting with the stash while another player attempts to join your game.Fixed a crash that could occur when quitting the game during a cutscene.We have the full list of changes for the most recent update below, so take a quick look:

    diablo 3 causing pc to crash

    The most recent update from Blizzard hasn’t added anything new, content-wise, but does polish and tie up loose ends of many small issues (like the endless vibration glitch on Xbox 360 controllers). But, like any good game port, there are bound to be flaws found in the design. The quality of the console versions of Diablo III came as a surprise to a lot of gamers, in that it was successfully ported and retained its novel gameplay at that. A brand new patch for Diablo III recently released on the console versions, fixing bugs that mostly deal with game crashes and other gameplay quirks that fell under the radar.

    Diablo 3 causing pc to crash